Assalammu'alaikum ! Download Cheat Engine 6.2 Terbaru. Cheat Engine mungkin sudah sangat populer terutama dikalangan pencinta games online maupun offline. Cheat Engine adalah software cheat yang dapat digunakan untuk memodifikasi (ngecheat) games khususnya untuk game singgle player pada windows baik itu online maupun offline, biasanya dengan cara memanipulasi angka-angka pada game tersebut. Anda dapat membuat games menjadi lebih mudah dimainkan atau sebaliknya tergantung keinginan Anda.
- Fixed the first plugin from not getting activated at restart.
- Custom types can now do an unknown initial value scan.
- Fixed the auto assembler highlighter from hiding some text while typing.
- Fixed the auto assembler highlighter from not showing hexadecimal values as hex starting with A to F.
- Fixed global debug from crashing in 64-bit (with dbvm).
- Fixed dbvm from not working on several systems (freeze).
- Fixed notification when closing and you had some changes.
- Fixed the rescan of the structure spider not working at all.
- Fixed several disassembler and assembler instructions.
- Fixed several plugin-system related bugs.
- Fixed aobscan for 64-bit.
- Fixed displaying the registers in 64-bit when using "find what xxx this address".
- Fixed the stackview when single stepping through the code.
- Fixed several lua function, including createhotkey.

3 komentar:
is it work bro?
thank you for visiting
wooow its really nice...thanks brooo
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